Curriculum & Programs

Envisions math 

Students learn mathematics best when they have opportunities to “do math”. Students must work on challenging problems, share their thinking with others, and use their thinking to build and deepen understanding. This process will provide our students with the skills needed to go to college or enter the workforce better prepared. enVision Mathematics 2.0 Common Core Edition is the primary math curriculum used at P.S. 26. This curriculum is implemented during a 50 – 75 minutes math block for grades 1-4. In grade 5 an Algebra For All math teacher supports the effective implementation of the curriculum through focused departmentalized teaching.

Amplify Science

Amplify Science is the primary science curriculum used at P.S. 26. In our science classrooms, students develop an understanding of the interdependence of living things as well as a respect for nature. They study their local environment but they think globally. They use problem-solving skills to find solutions to a variety of real-world problems. They share ideas, work together, read informational texts, make presentations and challenge each other to think creatively. They integrate reading, writing, listening, discussion, and mathematics as they learn science.

Into Reading

In English Language Arts (ELA) students learn to become effective readers and writers. Teachers use a balance of complex fiction and non-fiction texts in the classroom and teach reading, writing, vocabulary and discussion with an emphasis on using details and evidence from the text. 'Into Reading' is the primary English Arts curriculum that will be used starting in the Fall of 2019. It is a off shoot/deeper dive of the Journeys Program that was used for the past 10 years.

Social Studies Passport

The Social Studies curriculum at P.S. 26 is called Passport to Social Studies, which is endorsed by the New York City Social studies Department. Students use rich content, themes and big ideas to learn history, geography, economics, civics, citizenship and government. They also use important skills to “think like historians.”

Pacing Guide